Lead In With Lorne – The System I Use to Read As Much as I Can

Personal leadership Podcast



Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. This week we’re discussing how to manage your reading lists, because great leaders are readers. I have a specific system that I follow which helps me manage my reading intake. 

1. Find recommendations on the topics you’re interested in from LinkedIn, or peers. 

2. Balance reading them by downloading them on iPads, Kindle and listening on the Audible app. 

3. If you want a short summary, use Blinkist, it’s awesome. 

4. Listen to Audible books at 2x speed to consume more in a shorter period of time. 

5. Use something like Flipboard to consume and customize magazine articles. 

Enjoy it on the YouTube video embedded below, or audio listeners can hear it on SoundCloud now too. We hope it enriches your Monday!

Kindly subscribe to the YouTube channel and SoundCloud to make sure you start your week with a leadership story.

Lorne Rubis is available @LorneRubis on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.