Great Leadership Methods: How to Accept Feedback

Gratitude Growth mindset


For his new book, The Intangibles of Leadership, Dr. Richard Davis set out to uncover patterns in the attributes that truly distinguish those who succeed at the top levels. One such pattern for developing leadership distinction is to seek out feedback with serious intent and learning.

One suggestion for developing a personal feedback process is to establish a group of trusted advisors.  It may be necessary to look outside the organization. The recommendation is to find people who have training and experience in understanding in how to deliver meaningful and actionable  feedback. These must be  individuals we can trust to give us honest feedback, no matter how difficult it may be to hear.

The following is an excerpt from an RHR International Leadership Newletter written by Jay Robb:

“Remember that feedback is a gift. You need to respect that and do something positive with it. Categorize the feedback into three groupings:

1.  What people want you to start doing.

2.  What people want you to stop doing.

3.  What people want you to continue doing.

Then, come up with just a few action steps that target each area identified. “

Don’t wait for formal performance reviews. Self accountable people are serious learners and seekers of feedback.  You are a learner… that’s why you’re reading this blog. Develop a feedback process for learning.

Live in The Triangle,
