Kindness is Free

Accountability Books Kindness


Tom Peters, one of the most important observers and writers on “excellence” in business, has a chapter with this title in his book The Little Big Things, 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence. Why? Kindness makes a huge difference to excellence in leadership. And I believe it is one of the key tenants of Respect. 

In the chapter he goes on to refer to a quote from Plato, “Be kind, for everyone is fighting a great battle.” The point is that you and I need to look at things from the perspective of the other person. This means we have to care. That’s hard work.

Kindness opportunities present themselves daily with teammates and others, including customers and suppliers. Being kind and thoughtful applies to almost every internal and external activity we’re involved in.  What a powerful currency kindness is and it’s totally free!

Try to be extra conscious about kindness this week. Please post me back and let me know the outcome.

with Character,
